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Changes From VTune 2.5 to VTune 2.5.1

VTune 2.5.1 was created to ensure that VTune is compatible with Windows* NT* 4.0 Service Pack 4 and Windows NT 5.0. No other changes were made to VTune 2.5 in creating VTune 2.5.1.

VTune Now Includes Support for Java*!
What's new in VTune

In a compatible Java* environment, VTune enables you to use VTune to analyze the performance of your Java application. VTune offers two unique performance analysis and tuning methodologies (for complete documentation, see the VTune online help):

Java Call Graph Profiling

1: Profile your Java application.
VTune keeps track of the Java* methods entered and exited in memory, establishes a relationship between the parent and child methods called, and records every call to a method, the time spent in each method, and the method's parent and child methods.

2: Display a graphical view of the call graph profile data.
VTune displays a
Call Graph window, a graphical representation of the call graph profiling data. A simple and intuitive interface allows you to quickly search for a specific method, track a specific thread that was created, or identify the call-path that took the most CPU time.

Hotspot Sampling

1: Sample your JIT-compiled Java application.
VTune keeps track of the Java methods being loaded into memory along with the other active software executing on your system, periodically collects a sample of the most active instruction address, and writes the data to a file.

2: Find out the CPU time spent in your Java application.
Use the System-wide modules view to find out the CPU time spent in your Java application. VTune displays a graphical view of all the modules that were sampled and the time spent in each of them. It groups together all JIT-compiled Java methods in a specific process into a single bar in the graph, making it easy for you to identify the Java application that took the most CPU time.

3: Determine the most active classes and methods in your Java application.
Double-click on the JIT-compiled Java module in the Modules Graph and zoom into the Hotspots View, showing the most active Java methods and classes in your module.

4: Invoke the Java source code view for active methods for further analysis.
VTune displays the source code view showing your Java code and the time spent in each line and loop in your code.

5: Invoke the Java Coach with tuning advice for code that took the most CPU time.
Identify the most active sections of your code, such as loops, and invoke the Java Coach with tuning advice. The Coach analyzes the selected code for potential performance problems, determines if the code can be optimized, and provides Intel Architecture-specific tuning advice.

6: See how the Java byte code that was translated into native assembly performs on the Intel Architecture.
Use the Static Assembly Code Analyzer to see how your Java code is being translated into native assembly code by your JIT compiler.

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